A British retailer is looking for a "vintern" to spend three days in the Iberian Peninsula to taste wines from Spain and …
Do you know anyone who loves wasps? Neither do we!Remember the commotion in a car when this dreaded needle insect crawls through …
You know that moment when, with a bottle of wine in each hand, you can’t decide which one to put in the …
Judging by the legal definition given to wine from grapes: wine is a food product [1], which means, as with any food, …
For more than ten years, there has been a consensus on the black girl’s ability to represent our wine industry in the …
The descriptive language of wine tasters can be laughed at by an uninitiated audience. Associations with objects, sensations, moments of life, sometimes …
Il Caberlot and Carnasciale are the only wines in the world made from a clone classified as mysterious, discovered more than five …
A Romanian stole €1.65 million worth of wine in ten seconds. The perpetrators of the robbery of the century in Spain, caught after nine months
In a statement, the Spanish National Police noted the high degree of professionalism of the thieves and the perfect planning of the …
I explained, quite recently, what tannins are, how wine and our everyday life are affected. Still, stories and legends about tannins pollute …
The story of the raft, between DESBOIA and AMADIA. Who they are and what do LOS DECORTICADORES, the highest paid farm workers in the world
There are over 2.3 million hectares of cork oak forest. Half of the world’s production comes from Portugal Few are wine lovers …