Wines of Romania is the first podcast dedicated to Romanian wine. Available in video (YouTube) and audio format, it brings to the microphone journalists, influencers, wine producers, oenologists, critics, owners of top restaurants – in short, all those who can make their mark on the way Romanian wine is perceived, both in the country and in the world. 


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#Ep.47 Mihai Ionescu, co-owner Delta dintre Sate Mâncăm 85-90% pește din import
#Ep. 47: Mihai Ionescu, Co-owner of Delta dintre Sate: 85-90% of the market is imported fish
Mihai Ionescu is a young entrepreneur in a field closely related to wine: freshwater fish, an ideal pairing for many Romanian white varieties. With both ups and downs, we discuss about investments in Romania, retail or HoReCa trade, the role of the state in Romania and elsewhere, or about tips on how to choose a fine fish from the store.
#Ep.46 Paul Badea, SERVE Pentru Feteasca neagra suntem aici, pentru ea ramanem
#Ep.46: Paul Badea, SERVE: We are here because of Feteasca neagra, we stay for it
Paul Badea represents the second generation of the SERVE family. As a young entrepreneur, he believes in the power of wine producers in Romania to associate in order to represent Romanian wine in the world.


Wines of Romania Podcast is the first podcast dedicated to Romanian wine. Available in video (YouTube) and audio format, it brings to the microphone journalists, influencers, wine producers, oenologists, critics, owners of top restaurants – in short, all those who can make their mark on the way Romanian wine is perceived, both in the country and in the world.

#Ep.47 Mihai Ionescu, co-owner Delta dintre Sate Mâncăm 85-90% pește din import
#Ep. 47: Mihai Ionescu, Co-owner of Delta dintre Sate: 85-90% of the market is imported fish
Mihai Ionescu is a young entrepreneur in a field closely related to wine: freshwater fish, an ideal pairing for many Romanian white varieties. With both ups and downs, we discuss about investments in Romania, retail or HoReCa trade, the role of the state in Romania and elsewhere, or about tips on how to choose a fine fish from the store.
#Ep.46 Paul Badea, SERVE Pentru Feteasca neagra suntem aici, pentru ea ramanem
#Ep.46: Paul Badea, SERVE: We are here because of Feteasca neagra, we stay for it
Paul Badea represents the second generation of the SERVE family. As a young entrepreneur, he believes in the power of wine producers in Romania to associate in order to represent Romanian wine in the world.
#Ep.45 Mihnea Olariu, proprietar Domenii Franco-Române O familie cu 200 de ani de tradiție în vinuri
#Ep.45: Mihnea Olariu, owner Domeniile Franco-Romane: O familie cu 200 de ani de traditie in vin
Mihnea Olariu is one of the youngest entrepreneurs in the world of Romanian wine, but his family started the wine business almost two centuries ago.
#Ep 44. Wines of Romania
#Ep.44: Olga Miloiu, CEO of Budureasca: Over 50% of wine buyers and consumers are women
Olga Miloiu has been the CEO of Budureasca for almost 13 years, a company that has managed to open no less than 30 foreign markets and has always impressed with flexibility and rapid adaptation to consumer trends.
#Ep. 43 Adrian Cocan, Lăptăria cu Caimac Wine and cheesse are defined by terroir
#Ep. 43: Adrian Cocan, Lăptăria cu Caimac: Wine and cheesse are defined by terroir
Adrian Cocan is co-founder of Laptaria cu Caimac (Creamy Dairy), an artisanal Romanian dairy specializing in top-of-the-line products and one of the first to join Carrefour's “Poftim, branza romaneasca!” (Here / We Crave Romanian Cheese) national program.
#Ep. 42 Livia Gîrboiu Vinul românesc este ușor de băut și de înțeles
#Ep. 42: Livia Gîrboiu: Romanian wine is easy to drink and understand
Livia Girboiu este o tanara intreprinzatoare, o mama si o iubitoare de vinuri hotarata sa duca vinul romanesc in lume.
Acad.Valeriu V.Cotea
#Ep. 41: Wines of Romania with Acad. Valeriu V. Cotea
A member of the Romanian Academy and son of an academician, Professor Valeriu V. Cotea is one of the most important people in Romanian research, but also an elite trainer, through whose hands countless engineers, winegrowers and oenologists have passed.
#Ep. 40 Cătălin Păduraru, CEO Vinarium, invitat la Wines of Romania
#Ep. 40: Wines of Romania with Catalin Paduraru, Vinarium CEO
Catalin Paduraru is CEO of the International Wine Competition Bucharest / Vinarium, editor, wine writer and founder of the Romanian wine retail.
#Ep. 38 Wines of Romania cu Marcel Pascu, Gramofon Wine
#Ep. 38: Wines of Romania with Marcel Pascu, Gramofon Wine
A friendly chat about music, wine and their pairing, about the balance in a partnership, finding both familiar and different traits, with jazzman Marcel Pascu, co-owner of Gramofon Wine.
#Ep. 37 Di Filippo, Pieroni, La Sapata owners Pietele internationale sunt pasionate de vinuri din soiuri autohtone
#Ep. 37: Di Filippo, Pieroni, La Sapata owners: Foreign markets want local grape variety wines
The latest Wines of Romania podcast episode introduces Roberto di Fillipo and Robero Pieroni, Italian investors who built a small winery in Dobrogea, close to the Danube Delta. They share valuable knowledge, experience and insights regarding both the domestic and the international market.

© 2022 Wines Of Romania By Marinela Ardelean

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