800+ premium wines at RO-Wine | The International Wine Festival of Romania

by Wines of Romania

On Saturday and Sunday, the autumn edition of the RO-Wine festival will open its doors, where it has already been registered a new record number of participating wines – over 800 – coming from 150 producers from Italy, France, Spain, New Zealand, Argentina, USA, Georgia, Portugal and, obviously, Romania and Moldova.

Along with established producers, whose presence at RO-Wine has become a tradition – Averesti, SERVE, Jidvei, Gramofon, Vintruian Group (Caii de la Letea & Domeniile Prince Matei), wines from small but surprising will also be available, such as Valeaeden or Domeniile Pripa. The most important wine distributors and importers will present the wineries with top picks from their portfolios, and everything will be "seasoned" with gourmet bits, pastries, speciality coffee and craft beer. (Find here the extensive list of exhibitors: https://romaniawinefestival.com/next-events/).

This year’s masterclass program is the busiest, of the editions so far, with a total of 10 events, covering a wide range of wines and producers, from Cava and Champagne to wines from the Deschidem Vinul Romanesc program and from the presentation of the new range, Naiv, of Casa de Vinuri Cotnari to tasting of 100-points wines – Cheval Blanc, Lafitte Rothschild, Penfolds Grange, Masseto and others. (The schedule is available here: https://romaniawinefestival.com/masterclass/)

As in the previous editions, at the festival at Fratelli Studios (str. Glodeni, 1-3), wine lovers will be able to hear the stories behind the labels, as told directly by the oenologists who created them or by the owners themselves.

RO Wine festival 2022 (3)


Alatura-te comunitatii noastre, ca sa fii printre primii care afla ultimele noutati. 

© 2024 Wines Of Romania By Marinela Ardelean


© 2024 Wines Of Romania By Marinela Ardelean

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