Rapid bottled its story and chose Averesti for the official wines

by Wines of Romania
Rapid-Domeniile Averesti

In the year in which it prepares to celebrate its centenary, Rapid becomes the first Romanian football team in Romania with an official wine brand. The wine collection was named "Povestea Alb Visinie / The White & Burgundy Story", is produced by The Averesti Estates and is inspired by the values and colors of the Giulesti team. Sauvignon blanc (semi-dry) and a Cabernet Sauvignon (dry). The centenary club recently launched its Giulesteana brand beer and opened the FC Rapid fan shop.

Domeniile Averesti conquer the Giulesti team

"The Rapid brand has always represented a story. And the stories were passed down from father to son, always in front of a glass of wine. This wine will have to honor every white – burgundy victory starting from this year of the centenary and until infinity," said Daniel Niculae, President of FC Rapid, according to the official press release.

We are delighted to develop the partnership with FC Rapid and to offer new products and experiences to Rapid fans and our customers. We launch these wines with great joy and emotion, together with the supporters, customers and employees, in our Auchan Crangasi store in the Giulesti community, at first, but they will soon be available in our retail chain. We have prepared a series of additional advantages through our loyalty program and we can’t wait for June to celebrate with FC Rapid the team’s centenary", said Tiberiu Danetiu, Auchan Romania Marketing Director.

The wine is produced by Domeniile Averesti in its own vineyards in Podgoria Husi is available in two versions: semi-dry Sauvignon Blanc and dry Cabernet Sauvignon. According to the producer, the white Demisec assortment has a unique aroma of freshly cut apple and a fragrance similar to jasmine, while the red assortment surprises with the aroma of berries and cherry notes.

"We received two beautiful challenges: to create wines that honor a team and to assume the continuity of a product to be honored. We strongly believe in the fact that, in addition to the quality that wine lovers are used to, the work and passion behind the new collection do honor to both the club and the consumers", said Rares Florea, Country Manager Domeniile Averesti.

Callled "The team under the Grant Bridge", the "hammers" or the "railroaders”, Rapid is a team that has faced serious difficulties in recent decades, from changes in ownership to bankruptcies, from prolonged relegations, but it seems to have returned with a new and fresh vibe among the top teams in the Romanian football, after returning to the national division, in 2021, after six years of absence. However, the warmth of the supporters never grew thin, their devotion being rewarded today with a glass of good wine…

The Averesti Estates saved Zghihara and Busuioaca from extinction

Domaine Averesti owns 750 hectares of vineyards and has a production capacity of 8 million liters, which places it in the top 10 of the largest wine producers in Romania. Here, both Zghihara and Busuioaca de Bohotin were reborn, two almost extinct varieties, today successfully returned among the most loved local grape varieties. Despite its large size, Domeniile Averesti remains a family business, which is apparent in the personality of each wine.

Although it came to the attention of the public only in the last decade, the foundations of the current winery were laid quickly after 1989, through the division and privatization of the former I.A.S. Husi. Then, in 2005, the company from Averesti was bought, while the land was gradually acquired by the current owner. In 2010, the replanting started, later followed by investments in the winemaking technology.

In 2020, another 100 hectares from the Husi vineyard were added to the 650 hectares exploited, where the former winemaking complex was also purchased.


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© 2024 Wines Of Romania By Marinela Ardelean


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