Law 81/ 2022 in plain language

Legea 81 2022

In 2022, the law concerning unfair trade practices between companies in the agricultural and food supply chain was introduced.

Thanks to my good friend, Paul Fulea (Histria Winery), for the encouragement and confidence! Thus, as an OIV expert in the DROCON commission (consumer rights) I took the liberty to make some clarifications and comments, in a material that I hope will be useful for as many people as possible who find themselves in one of the situations provided by this 👉 Law.

Article 3

Prohibition of unfair trade practices

The buyer is prohibited from the following:

1. to exceed the payment term as follows:
a) with more than 14 calendar days from the due date established by the contract in the case the products provided for in art. 2 lit. m); (perishable products/ wine)
b) with more than 30 calendar days from the due date established by the contract in the case the products provided for in art. 2 lit. it); (wine falls under art. 2 letter m), so it apply the provisions of letter a) not exceeding the payment term by more than 14 calendar days from the contractual due date)

2. to establish a notice period:
a) less than 30 working days for the cancellation of orders for agricultural products and/or supply provided in art. 2 lit. l) and m), in order not to put the supplier in the impossibility of selling or using the respective products; (the wine falls under this provision, being part of both categories provided for
Art. 2, letters l) and m)

This is only part of the article, to read in full, click here  👉 Law.

I have highlighted what I found questionable in color , and my comments are in bold italics (inclined and bolded).

I have formatted the paragraphs I have not commented on in smaller letters , because they are evident, to make it much easier to find those I have commented on.

For other interpretations, discussions, comments, and exchanges of opinions, we are waiting for you in the Wines of Romania Community!