What it means to be a winegrower at the Averesti Estates In the world of wine, wine cellar owners and oenologists are …
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Virgil Dumitrascu: Restaurant means culinary experience and fine wine
For the past twenty years, sommelier Virgil Dumitrascu has been dealing with wines – in restaurants, helping with the wine selection of …
Romania is the largest grower of the Riesling italian grapevine variety, 6,963.58 ha (2022). However, it rarely capitalizes on this advantage by …
Paolo Mennini: The climate and relief of Dragasani and Tuscany are similar
Paolo Mennini’s motto: "I dreamed I was here" The Mennini Winery, named after its founder Paolo, is one of those places that …
If you are a wine connoisseur and you reached out in the wine world you’ve most certainly noticed a general appeal to …
The undisputed star in rose wine tastings, in the last 10 years Busuioaca de Bohotin has won its well-deserved place among the …
SERVE is a family story, in the truest sense of the word – three generations are involved today, almost 30 years after …
This material was processed by Mirela Heizer – OIV expert, according to the data from the press conference of the International Organization …
When you are preparing for Halloween, no matter how attractive the idea of excessive decoration of snacks and food may be, we …
Niklas Ridoff, WineTourism.com: “In wine tourism, you have one shot to make a good first impression”
by Radu Rizeaby Radu RizeaNiklas Ridoff is the CEO of WineTourism.com, a new, but fast-growing, modern and extremely offering wine tourism platform. Yes, just like its …