„All clear!” with BioSystems

Wines of Romania BioSystems

For over 40 years, BioSystems has been offering solutions for the efficient control of wine, all over the world! Wine is a living organism, which must be systematically controlled, in order to live healthily and within parameters defined by the grapevine variety, style, terroir, mastery of the oenologist.

Any biological process in the living world requires equilibrium. In living systems, this balance between inputs and outputs is maintained by control or self-control. In recent years, more and more emphasis has been placed on food safety.

It is imperative that wine, as a food product, be safe for human consumption. And the analytical control of wine is an absolutely necessary step in the production and making it available to consumers.

Business card BioSystems

The headquarters of BioSystems is in Barcelona, Spain, where since 1981 it has been offering laboratories all over the world, efficient and reliable analytical systems for controlling the living world!

BioSystems designs, develops and produces analytical solutions, from reagents, calibration and testing substances, to instruments, equipment and services for their use. The approach is consistent, with an emphasis on reliability and a valuable experience for users, in ensuring control at a qualitative level of high accuracy, for the improvement of health and well-being, in a multitude of places around the world.

BioSystems’ expertise extends from clinical analyzes for human health, veterinary analyzes for the health of domestic animals and beyond, analyzes for food and beverages, analyzes for agriculture, to the Bioprocessing of these analyses.

What does a BioSystems analytical system do?

Starting with monitoring the progress of ripening in the vineyard, in order to produce a wine that reflects all the work in the plantation and in the winery, a series of analyzes are necessary, which starts with that of sugars, of the content of sulphites and continues throughout the life of the wine in winery or wine cellar, with the determination of at least the parameters that the specific legislation stipulates as mandatory:

  • total and acquired alcoholic strength, in % volume
  • total sugars (expressed as glucose and fructose) in g/l
  • total acidity, in g/l in tartaric acid
  • volatile acidity, in g/l in acetic acid
  • free sulfur dioxide, in mg/l
  • total sulfur dioxide, in mg/l
  • non-reducing dry extract, in g/l
  • the pressure in the bottle, in bars, for sparkling wines

BioSystems offers accredited analysis methods, pre-programmed and validated by its specialists, to minimize user intervention.

The analyzed data are integrated into the laboratory’s computer system, bidirectional (export results / import tests), where they can be stored, archived and extracted at any time for various statistical uses.

The analyzed data can be printed on the analysis bulletin with complete product data and the laboratory letterhead, as provided by the Romanian and Community legislation in force.

BioSystems works through people

650 people are part of the global BioSystems project. 650 colleagues, in 17 Subsidiaries all over the world.

BioSystems is present in 107 countries and welcomes wine producers with a complete analysis system, a system consisting of semi-automatic/automatic analyzers, reagents dedicated to the oenological field, consultancy throughout the system’s use and maintenance/specialized service, all incorporated into a unique system on the nowadays profile market!

BioSystems is working for people

BioSystems has many partners around the world, including:

Romania can join the list of successful partnerships with BioSystems, by:

  • The Central Laboratory for Wine Quality and Hygiene Control – Valea Calugareasca and all its subsidiaries in the country (L.C.C.C.I.V. – Valea Calugareasca), RENAR accredited and MADR authorized;


Alatura-te comunitatii noastre, ca sa fii printre primii care afla ultimele noutati. 

© 2024 Wines Of Romania By Marinela Ardelean


© 2024 Wines Of Romania By Marinela Ardelean

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