Ladies of the wine world

by Radu Rizea
Doamnele din lumea vinului Veronica Gheorghiu

Veronica Gheorghiu, Crama Oprisor: "Women put more soul"

When you say Veronica Gheorghiu, you say Crama Oprișor. There are two overlapping stories, they are the same soul and the same memories. Veronica is, without exaggeration, the "mother" of her wines, she really does treat every wine that comes out of the winery as her own child that she needs to take care of. In the almost two decades since she signed the wines from Oprișor, her work has been rewarded with countless medals at international competitions, but also with the unconditional trust of consumers and wine lovers.

1. What was the moment when you realized, knew that your personal destiny is linked to wine?

The moment that marked my career in the world of wine was during college, when Professor Popa Aurel instilled in us all the love and passion, but also made us realize the involvement that is required to make this holy liquor called WINE. Then, working at Vinarte, both in the laboratory and in the winery, I discovered that every person has a GRACE – some sing beautifully, others paint, dance, work with passion in certain fields, I have the grace to make WINE (the blood of Jesus), the liquor of Bacchus that accompanies us throughout life.

2. What style of wine do you prefer in general?

When you make that wine, with your own hands, it can be white, rosé or red – you like them all, because they are like your children and you cannot tell the difference between them, you love them the same.

Preferably, however, I would say i like red wines a bit better. They require more involvement, attention and art in the winemaking process. To make wine you need a lot of passion, dedication, involvement and love, only then will you be satisfied that you gave everything you could so that the final result was satisfactory.

3. How do you choose different wines (wine brands or styles), depending on certain moments – seasonal, anniversary, warm or friendly discussions, sophisticated dinners or everyday wines?

They say, in our world, that food is the queen and wine is the king. If there is no correct pairing, we you will end up saying that the food or wine was not good. That is why a sensory link must be created between what we eat and the wine or anhy other beverage we taste. Or, as I say, wine is the one that accompanies a person’s state of mind, making him better, calmer, more talkative. My husband and I, on the weekend, talk over a glass of red wine and carry out the projects for the week next. Wine is everything.

Perfect pairing: simple food and the joy of a new harvest

4. What was the perfect, memorable pairing where everything involved – wine, food, people – fell into place?

For me, the perfect meal is after each finished campaign, when we gather our team and taste the fruit of our work and enjoy simple dishes, but enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done.

5. How much decision-making power do women have in the Romanian wine market?

Being a profession with a long tradition, one in which men were predominantly involved, it was difficult to accept the idea that a woman could practice in successfully. That’s why, as far as I know, we are few ladies involved in making wine, being a line of work that involves a lot of time, responsibility and dedication. Yes, more recently, women have gained a lot more decision-making power in the wine market.

6. What do women know about wine that men don’t (yet) know?

It is difficult to answer this question. I think that some women know how to make good wine, and men know how to drink it. My 12-year-old son, hearing this question, told me: "Mom, women put more soul into what they do, that makes the difference."