Averesti Estates

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Domeniile Averesti se bucura sa fie alaturi de iubitorii Busuioacei de Bohotin din peste 13 tari, 4 continente.

La Domeniile Averesti nu exista inca disponibilitatea pentru vizite si degustari la crama.


Domeniile Averesti detine cea mai pare suprafata cultivata cu Busuioaca de Bohotin din Romania

There are places in Romania where beauty, romance and tradition intertwine, giving birth to a true source of emotions and feelings. Domeniile Averesti is one of these, it is the area where the story of wine is translated into reality. In every glass of wine from Domeniile Averesti, there is a note of passion, spiced with new challenges and new discoveries, a beautiful love story. The tradition of wine production is lost in the mists of time in the "Wine Country", as the Husi vineyard is called, first attested at the time of Alexander the Good (1415). Situated in the south-eastern part of the Central Moldovan Podis, with a cool climate and nutritious soils, the Averesti vineyards total 650 hectares of stunning beauty, ideal for growing grapes.


Domeniile Averesti - un "pasaport" al cramei actualizat in mod constant, util consumatorilor si profesionistilor

Contact person: Crina Dulute Florea
Phone: +40 235 484 830
E-mail: vin@domeniile-averesti.ro
Monday – Friday 09:00 – 16:30
Company name: S.C. Vinicola Averesti 2000 S.A.
Year of foundation: 1874
Owner: Constantin Dulute
Oenologist: Claudiu Cretu
Annual production: 6.000.000 litres
Surface: 650 ha
Direct sale at the winery: YES
Cellar address: Averesti, Vaslui county, Romania
Head office address: locality Averesti, Vaslui county, Romania
Website: www.domeniile-averesti.ro


Episod 11 Wines of Romania Podcast cu Crina Dulutea Florea, coproprietar Domeniile Averesti

Crina Duluțe, co-owner of Domeniile Averești, tells the story of Zghiharei de Huși and Busuioacei de Bohotin, two varieties that have come back into fashion and are slowly but surely becoming great promises for the future of Romanian wine exports. A Podcast inspired by the Open Romanian Wine program developed by Carrefour Romania.

Vizita la Domeniile Averesti

Crina Duluțe, co-owner of Domeniile Averești, tells the story of Zghiharei de Huși and Busuioacei de Bohotin, two varieties that have come back into fashion and are slowly but surely becoming great promises for the future of Romanian wine exports. A Podcast inspired by the Open Romanian Wine program developed by Carrefour Romania.


Wines of Romania Podcast - Ep. #29 cu Constantin Dulute, fondator si proprietar Domeniile Averesti

Modest, dar hotarat, mereu atent la nevoile celorlalti si cu o nevoie innascuta de inovatie, Constantin Dulute, proprietar al Domeniilor Averesti, face o analiza la rece a pietei vinului din Romania, de la producator pana la consumator final, inclusiv al felului in care ne prezentam lumii. 

Vinul romanesc are cu certitudine un viitor. Un viitori mai bun, dar doar daca ne facem treaba bine. Urmareste noul episod al podcastului Wines of Romania si descopera povestea celui mai mare cultivator de Busuioaca de Bohotin si Zghihara din Romania. 


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