Deocamdata, crama nu exporta dar este deschisa pentru colaborari si oportunitati pentru piata internationala.
Oferta enoturistica a Cramei Rasova este una foarte variata, cu tururi de crama ghidate, diferite evenimente si degustari de vinuri. Tururile de crama ofera vizitatorilor experienta trecerii prin toate etapele procesului de vinificatie, de la strugure la sticla, circuitul de productie fiind atat de bine organizat, incat vizitele pot fi facute inclusiv in timpul campaniei de recoltare.
Crama Rasova - un "pasaport" al cramei actualizat in mod constant, util consumatorilor si profesionistilor
- Nume crama: Crama Rasova
- Regiune: Murfatlar
- Persoana de contact: –
- Telefon: +40 720 737 777
- E-mail: salut@cramarasova.ro
- Program de lucru: Luni-Vineri: 10:00 – 17:30
- Numele societatii: Rasova Wine SRL
- Anul infiintarii: 2015
- Proprietar/Proprietari: Zoe Ghiuri, George Ghiuri
- Oenolog: Razvan Macici
- Productie anuala (in litri): aprox. 500.000
- Suprafata: 61 ha
- Vanzare directa la crama: DA
- Adresa crama: Dealul Vifor, Parcela 345, Cernavoda, Jud. Constanta
- Adresa sediu social: Str. Interioara 3E, Constanta, jud. Constanta
- Website: www.cramarasova.ro

Crama Rasova
Primul lucru pe care il vezi traversand podul de la Cernavoda
The Rasova Winery is one of the few family wineries that managed to gain almost instant fame among not only wine lovers, but also among all crossing the Cernavoda bridge, by train or by car – since the cellar is the first thing you see on the opposite Danube shore. The place was specially chosen, even though it is 20 kilometers from the company’s 61-hectares vineyard, precisely to be easily accessible for tourists.
The winery you see from the highway was built between 2014 and 2016, according to the architectural plans of Bruno Andresoiu, and the Igloo design and architecture house, and perfectly integrates the functions of the winery with those of wine tourism. The routes inside the winery are designed in such a way that guided groups of tourists can visit the winery even during the harvest period, or that events – may them be public (concerts and celebrations), private or corporate – can take place without affecting the activity in the winery. In addition, the minimalist design of the winery makes the whole building perfectly integrated into the landscape, like a natural, almost organic growth of the white rocks on the steep bank of the Danube.
The recipe for success was simple – professionals, knowledge and a good definition of the target audience. Founders and owners of the winery, Zoe and George Ghiuri already had a long experience in the field of wine and beverage distribution, so they knew intimately both the profile of the consumer and the potential and expression of Dobrogea wines. This was followed by the aggregation of a team of professionals, with experience in wine marketing and communication and, finally, the completion of the formula (in 2019) with the most awarded Romanian oenologist, Razvan Macici, whose expertise still directs the resident oenologist, young Antonio la Fata. More importantly, all the team members work today as a real family, everyone knows exactly their responsibilities, and this contributes to the optimal functioning of the entire company. Together, they may have built the most successful brands designed for the younger audiences.
At the moment, Rasova only offers glamping accommodations (glamorous camping), but the more demanding customers may find accomodation at a 4-star hotel nearby, in Cernavoda, which also offers shuttle rides to and from the winery. However, there are also plans to develop the tourist offer in the future, so that those who stop for one or more glasses of wine – along with the excellent typical Dobrogea dishes, cooked in the winery’s kitchen – would be able extend their stay.
The investment so far exceeds 8 million euros, of which 2 million from European funds. The vineyard was designed so that it can be maintained and exploited according to the principles of sustainable agriculture, with as little intervention as possible, ideally zero insecticides and pesticides.
The terroir of Rasova is defined by the clay-sandy soil, with limestone inserts, by the generous amount of sunshine hours, but above all by the proximity of the Danube, which ensures a cool breeze during the summer and many foggy days at the beginning of autumn – meaning a slow ripening, but with a great accumulation of flavours in the grapes. In addition, the vineyard is located directly on the Dobrogea wind corridor, which ensures a good prevention of diseases in the vineyard, and the proximity to the Black Sea partially moderates the continental climate in the region. All in all, perfect conditions for top wines!
Crama Rasova a fost construita intre 2014 si 2016
Crama pe care o vedeti de pe autostrada spre a fost construita intre 2014 si 2016, dupa planurile arhitectului Bruno Andresoiu, si ale casei de design si arhitectura Igloo, si integreaza perfect functiunile de crama cu cele enoturistice. Traseul din crama este astfel gandit incat grupurile de turisti ghidate de reprezentantii cramei sa poata fi efectuate inclusiv in perioada de recolta, sau ca evenimentele – publice (concerte si festivitati), private sau corporate – sa se poata desfasura fara a afecta activitatea din crama. In plus, design-ul minimalist al cramei face ca intreaga constructie sa fie perfect integrata in peisaj, ca o crestere naturala, aproape organica, a stancilor albe de pe malul abrupt al Dunarii.
Crama Rasova - o echipa ca o familie
Reteta succesului a fost simpla – profesionisti, cunostinte si o buna definire a publicului tinta. Fondatori si proprietari ai cramei, Zoe si George Ghiuri aveau deja o experienta indelungata in domeniul distributiei de vinuri si bauturi, deci cunosteau indeaproape atat profilul consumatorului, cat si potentialul si expresia vinurilor dobrogene. A urmat agregarea unei echipe de profesionisti, cu experienta in marketing si comunicare de vin si, in cele din urma, completarea formulei (in 2019) cu cel mai premiat oenolog roman, Razvan Macici, a carui expertiza il dirijeaza pana astazi pe oenologul rezident, tanarul Antonio la Fata.
Mai important decat atat, toti membrii echipei functioneaza astazi ca o adevarat familie, fiecare isi cunoaste exact responsabilitatile, iar acest lucru contribuie la functionarea la parametri optimi ai intregii companii. Impreuna, sunt responsabili pentru cateva dintre cele mai de succes branduri in randul tinerilor.
Crama Rasova - o investitie de peste 8 mil. de euro
Momentan, Rasova ofera doar spatii de cazare de tip glamping (glamourous camping), insa cei mai pretentiosi pot gasi un hotel de 4 stele in apropiere, in Cernavoda, care ofera si curse de tip shuttle pana si de la crama. Exista insa si planuri de dezvoltare a ofertei turistice pe viitor, astfel incat cei care se opresc la unul sau mai multe pahare de vin – alaturi de excelentele mancaruri tipic dobrogene, gatite in bucataria complexului – sa isi poata prelungi sederea.
Investitia de pana acum depaseste 8 milioane de euro, dintre care 2 milioane din fonduri europene. Podgoria a fost conceputa astfel incat sa poata fi intretinuta si exploatata conform principiilor agriculturii sustenabile, cu o interventie cat mai mica, spre zero, a insecticidelor si pesticidelor.
Crama Rasova - aproape de Dunare si Marea Neagra
Terroir-ul din Rasova este definit de solul argilos-nisipos, cu insertii de calcar, de numarul foarte mare de ore de soare, dar mai ales de proximitatea Dunarii, care asigura o briza racoroasa in timpul verii si multe zile cu ceata la inceputul toamnei – insemnand o coacere lenta, dar cu o mare acumulare de arome in struguri. In plus, podgoria se afla direct pe culoarul eolian dobrogean, ceea ce asigura o buna preventie a bolilor in vie, iar apropierea de Marea Neagra imblanzeste partial climatul continental din regiune. In total, conditii perfecte pentru vinuri de top!
Wines of Romania
Crama Rasova s-a alaturat comunitatii Wines of Romania pe 3 noiembrie 2022
Ep. #23 Zoe Ghiuri, proprietar Crama Rasova: Crama este templul meu. Aici m-am redescoperit
Zoe Ghiuri, proprietar Crama Rasova: Crama este templul meu. Aici m-am redescoperit
Dupa 20 de ani de distributie, Zoe Ghiuri s-a reinventat in crama si podgoria din Rasova.
De Ziua Femeii, va facem cunostinta cu o doamna a vinului pe care aveti mai rar ocazia sa o urmariti „pe sticla” sau online, dar a carei activitate se face tot mai mult simtita in lumea iubitorilor de vin.