#Ep.44: Olga Miloiu, CEO of Budureasca: Over 50% of wine buyers and consumers are women
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Olga Miloiu este, de aproape 13 ani, CEO Budureasca, o companie care a reusit sa deschida nu mai putin de 30 de piete externe si care a impresionat mereu prin flexibilibilitate si adaptarea rapida la trendurile de consum. 🍷

Din interviu:
- Ca femeie in lumea vinului, uneori trebuie sa ai o atitudine mai putin eleganta si feminina. Astfel te protejezi.
- Vinul fara alcool este un trend inca nou, trebuie sa fie confirmat, inainte de a investi in tehnologia de productie. In prezent, calitatea vinurilor fara alcool lasa de dorit.
- Cresterea rapida a suprafetelor certificate organic nu are corespondent intr-o crestere echivalenta a consumului. Exista vinuri create din suprafete certificate organic, dar care devin, prin conditionare, vinuri conventionale.
- Pincomet este un vin care raspunde unei nevoi a pietei, unui trend care a devenit sesizabil in ultimii doi ani.

🎙️ Podcastul Wines of Romania este inspirat de programul Deschidem Vinul Romanesc, program national initiat de Carrefour Romania, dedicat in egala masura consumatorilor si producatorilor de vin din Romania.

Acest episod de podcast a fost filmat intr-o locatie ELI Parks. 🙏
ELI Parks este unul dintre principalii dezvoltatori din dinamicul sector logistic si industrial romanesc. Oferind solutii "build-to-suit", are in portofoliu companii din industrii precum: Pharma, Retail, FMCG, constructii, instalatii sanitare, colectare si reciclare, pharma vet, sisteme arhivare digitala, etc.



#Ep.59 Crina și Constantin Duluțe Domeniile Averești aniversează 150 de ani
#Ep.59 Crina și Constantin Duluțe: Domeniile Averești aniversează 150 de ani
The new episode of the Wines of Romania podcast brings you a conversation with the Duluțe family—father and daughter—two generations dedicated to shaping the future of wine from Averești and Huși, with special care for local grape varieties. A discussion about values, education, generations, and heritage, where you can get to know Constantin and Crina Duluțe better.
#Ep.51 Horia Ban The HB wines express the Miniș terroir
#Ep.51: Horia Ban: The HB wines express the Minis terroir
Welcome to a new Wines of Romania podcast episode! Today, Marinela Ardelean meets Horia Ban, founder and owner of HB Wine, a new boutique winery in the Minis Vineyard.


#Ep.59 Crina și Constantin Duluțe Domeniile Averești aniversează 150 de ani
#Ep.59 Crina și Constantin Duluțe: Domeniile Averești aniversează 150 de ani
The new episode of the Wines of Romania podcast brings you a conversation with the Duluțe family—father and daughter—two generations dedicated to shaping the future of wine from Averești and Huși, with special care for local grape varieties. A discussion about values, education, generations, and heritage, where you can get to know Constantin and Crina Duluțe better.
#Ep.51 Horia Ban The HB wines express the Miniș terroir
#Ep.51: Horia Ban: The HB wines express the Minis terroir
Welcome to a new Wines of Romania podcast episode! Today, Marinela Ardelean meets Horia Ban, founder and owner of HB Wine, a new boutique winery in the Minis Vineyard.
#Ep.50 Andrei Mândru Tatăl meu cunoaște toate amănuntele din firmă, eu am învățat totul de la el
#Ep.50: Andrei Mandru: My father knows every detail in the company and I learnt everything from him
Welcome to a new Wines of Romania podcast episode! Today, Marinela Ardelean meets Andrei Mandru, the second generation of owners at Tohani Romania, the group that owns, among others, the Apogeum Winery, the only winery dedicated to a single grape – the flagship native variety Feteasca neagra.