Fire at Rotenberg Winery

by Echipa Wines Of Romania

The Rotenberg Cellars came extremely close to tragedy on Saturday night when an arson fire damaged the roof and part of the building. "Fortunately, due to the gravity structure of the winery, only about 400 bottles on the first level were damaged, the bottles and barrels on the lower floors remained intact," Mihail Rotenberg, the winery owner, told Wines Of Romania.

Local media reported that the arsonist, a 28-year-old local youth, has been apprehended.
Rotenberg Winery invites all friends and wine lovers to participate in a special open day on June 18, with funds raised from the event to be donated to build a playground for children in Ceptura.

The RO-Wine Festival has announced that it has created and made available, free of charge, a special stand for Rotenberg wines, although the available places were sold out long ago. "We love and support Romanian wine in any way we can. For small producers, such events can seriously disrupt the business process and we can only appreciate that, even in these circumstances, their thoughts turn less to their losses and more to the needs of the local community. So we try to contribute as much as possible to the earliest possible return to normal activity of the winery. So we invite you to taste (and eat!) Rotenberg wines on the weekend of 21-22 May, at Fratelli Studios, 1-3 Glodeni Street!", said the organizers of RO-Wine | The International Wine Festival of Romania.


Alatura-te comunitatii noastre, ca sa fii printre primii care afla ultimele noutati. 

© 2024 Wines Of Romania By Marinela Ardelean


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