The buds freeze at:
- (-9oC), when they are in the phase of swelling and lint (le coton-fr., gemma nel cotone-it., budburst-en.), but in conditions of high humidity the buds are damaged at (-3 °C)
- (-8oC) – (-4oC), when I am in the visible green peak phase, but when the atmospheric humidity is high, the critical temperatures are (-3oC) – (-1oC)
- (-5oC) – (-3oC), when they are in the budding phase (visible leaves), but in conditions of high atmospheric humidity, the buds can be affected at (-2oC) – (0oC)
- (-4oC) – (-2oC), 3 – 5 flaunted leaves (emergenza dalle foglie-it., feuilles étalées-fr.), but in conditions of high humidity the small shoots are also damaged at (-1°C) – (0oC)
Methods of preventing the damage of young buds and shoots are sprinkler, heating the air with various devices from small stoves, to buckets with special wax, arranged in grid in the vineyard plots and even mobilization of air with the help of fans.. The safest method, however, remains the delayed fruiting cutting, but which can only be done near the house, on very small plots, where it is possible that the work is done in a very short time frame.