DFR - un "pasaport" al cramei actualizat in mod constant, util consumatorilor si profesionistilor
- Nume crama: Domeniile Franco-Romane (DFR)
- Persoana de contact: Mihnea OLARIU
- Telefon: +40726710706
- E-mail: contact@dfr-wines.com
- Program: 09:00 – 17:00
- Numele societatii: CH. PIETROSARATII SRL
- Anul infiintarii: 1999
- Proprietar: Mihnea-Ioan Olariu (co-actionar)
- Oenolog: Liviu Grigorica, Valentin Rotaru
- Productie anuala: 400.000
- Vanzare directa la crama: DA
- Suprafata: 85 ha
- Adresa crama: Sahateni, jud. Buzau, str. Scolii nr. 143
- Adresa sediu social: Bucuresti, Sector 1, str. Scarlatescu nr. 17-19
- Website: www.dfr-wines.com

Domeniile Franco-Romane – DFR or The French-Romanian Domains – are one of the most important trailblazers in Romanian wine.
Domeniile Franco-Romane – DFR or The French-Romanian Domains – are one of the most important trailblazers in Romanian wine. In a time when one could count private investors on their fingers, a visionary from Burgundy, Denis Thomas, sensed not only the potential for high quality wines of the Dealu Mare region, but also the opportunity to create ecological wines here. Better said, when the (very) few quality wine producers in Romania were trying to let the public – from Romania or from around the world – know that there is good wine here, in Romania, he anticipated a fashion that twenty years later just begins to grow roots.
Denis Thomas started with a 45-hectare plantation, located between Gura Vadului and Sahateni, close to the border between the Prahova and Buzau counties, in the heart of the Dealu Mare region. Three years later, the conversion to organic agriculture began, and in 2006, Domeniile Franco-Romane became the first ecologically certified company in Romania. The Ecocert certification recognizes that a certain company guarantees the protection of the climate and the environment, the preservation of soil fertility and biodiversity, respect for natural cycles, the absence of chemical and synthetic products, as well as genetically modified organisms.
Meanwhile, at a short distance from the DFR vineyard, an old family recovered, in 2002, 45 hectares of vineyards, part of the estates confiscated during the communist era. The roots of the estate come from Ecaterina Eminescu, niece by brother of the greatest Romanian poet, Mihai Eminescu, and Alexandru Persu, agronomist engineer from Dealu Mare and former mayor of Tohani. The Persu-Eminescu vineyard, inherited and recovered by the Olariu family, is reborn and becomes a supplier of high quality grapes for the wine producers in the area. In 2018, among the clients is Denis Thomas, who had already gained notoriety among wine lovers with
Meanwhile, at a short distance from the DFR vineyard, an old family recovered, in 2002, 45 hectares of vineyards, part of the estates confiscated during the communist era. The roots of the estate come from Ecaterina Eminescu, niece by brother of the greatest Romanian poet, Mihai Eminescu, and Alexandru Persu, agronomist engineer from Dealu Mare and former mayor of Tohani. The Persu-Eminescu vineyard, inherited and recovered by the Olariu family, is reborn and becomes a supplier of high quality grapes for the wine producers in the area. In 2018, among the clients is Denis Thomas, who had already gained notoriety among wine lovers with his famous well-rounded Chardonnays and Burgundy-inspired, supple and acidic Pinot noirs. After he had already fallen in love with life in the vineyard, the son of the Olariu family, Mihnea, also built a passion for the eco / bio lifestyle, and Thomas’ desire to sell the vineyard finds, almost providentially, the perfect buyer, one who will continue his investment in sustainability. Mihnea brings in investors and, from 2019, the DFR vineyard and the Persu-Eminescu vineyard unite under the leadership of the youngest team of managers in Romanian wine. Liviu Grigorica, the best-known consultant in Romanian wine, and the resident oenologist Valentin Rotaru start working at the winery, and the winery enters an extensive process of modernization and expansion, in order to cope with the already double production of grapes. One of the priorities of the coming years is the conversion of the hectares rehabilitated by the Olariu family to organic agriculture and, eventually, their ecological certification. Moreover, recently installed solar panels will serve to charge electric vehicles, emphasizing the "green" dimension of the French-Romanian Domains.
Although it has become a cliché to compare Deal Mare with Bordeaux, the owners say that, in fact, the climate of the vineyard is much more similar to that of Burgundy. It is certain that traditional techniques and cutting-edge technology meet here, and the wines born from this meeting have a special personality, easy to identify. Even modern wines, fresh fruity, carry on the taste of the place. If you don’t believe us, just go and taste it. The winery is open and waiting for you!
Radacinile mosiei DFR provin de la Ecaterina Eminescu, nepoata dupa frate a marelui Mihai Eminescu
In paralel, la mica distanta de podgoria DFR, o veche familie isi recupera, in 2002, 45 de hectare de vie, o parte dintre mosiile confiscate in vremea comunistilor. Radacinile mosiei provin de la Ecaterina Eminescu, nepoata dupa frate a marelui Mihai Eminescu, si Alexandru Persu, inginer agronom din Dealu Mare si fost primar al Tohaniului. Podgoria Persu-Eminescu, mostenita si recuperata de familia Olariu, renaste si devine furnizor de struguri de mare calitate pentru producatorii din zona. In 2018, printre clienti se numara si Denis Thomas, care deja isi castigase notorietate in randul iubitorilor de vin cu famimoasele sale Chardonnay-uri bine rotunjite si Pinot noir-uri de inspiratie burgunda, suple si acide.
Dupa ce se indragostise deja de viata in podgorie, fiul familiei Olariu, Mihnea, face o pasiune si pentru stilul de viata eco / bio, iar dorinta lui Thomas de a vinde isi gaseste, aproape providential, cumparatorul perfect, care sa ii continue investitia in sustenabilitate. Mihnea aduce investitori si, din 2019, podgoria DFR si podgoria Persu-Eminescu se unesc sub conducerea celei mai tinere echipe de manageri din vinul romanesc.
La crama incep sa lucreze Liviu Grigorica, cel mai cunoscut consultant din vinul romanesc, si enologul rezident Valentin Rotaru, iar crama intra intr-un amplu proces de modernizare si extindere, pentru a face fata productiei deja duble de struguri. Una dintre prioritatile anilor urmatori este convertirea hectarelor reabilitate de familia Olariu la agricultura bio si, in cele din urma, certificarea lor ecologica. Mai mult decat atat, o instalatie de panouri solare va servi la incarcarea vehiculelor electrice, accentuand dimensiunea „verde” a Domeniilor Franco-Romane (DFR).
Climatul podgoriei DFR este mult mai asemanator cu cel al Burgundiei
Desi a devenit un cliseu asemanarea Dealului Mare cu Bordeaux, proprietarii spun ca, de fapt, climatul podgoriei este mult mai asemanator cu cel al Burgundiei. Cert este ca aici se intalnesc tehnici traditionale si tehnologie de ultima ora, iar vinurile care se nasc din aceasta intalnire au o personalitate aparte, greu de confundat. Chiar si vinurile moderne, mai proaspete si pline de fruct, duc mai departe amprenta locului si a pamantului. Daca nu ne credeti, mergeti si degustati. Crama e deschisa si va asteapta!
DFR s-a alaturat comunitatii Wines of Romania pe 4 noiembrie 2022
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