Darie Winery

A family business near Hârşova

The grapevine of the Darie family, as well as the cellar bearing the same name, are located on the hills next to DN2A, not far from the town of Hârşova. It spreads onto 29 hectares, initially 22 planted with noble vine and extended as the business grew.
The products of Crama Darie are premium wines in two ranges: Străbun (Ancestor) (dry Chardonnay, dry Rosé blend from Merlot and Fetească Neagră, dry Merlot, dry Fetească Neagră, dry Cabernet Sauvignon) and Capidava (Medium dry Chardonnay, Rosé blend, Fetească Neagră, Merlot and medium dry Cabernet Sauvignon, Red blend Fetească Neagră, Merlot and dry Cabernet Sauvignon).
The company’s wines have been awarded several medals
in competitions such as Emozioni dal Mondo Merlot e Cabernet Insieme 2014 and 2015, International Wine Contest Bucharest 2014 and 2015, as well as Concursul Naţional de Vinuri Bachus 2014.
The Darie Winery has produced the one and only Eiswein Chardonnay on the Romanian market, following an experiment that could have cost the company 2,4 ha of the vine had the winter of 2014 would not have brought -10 degrees temperatures and a serious lack of precipitations. In order to obtain an ice wine, the carefully selected grapes have been kept on stumps and vinified as for rose, but with much longer cold maceration, about thirty hours without adding sulphur. The must has been extracted according to the gravitational method and kept in low temperature up to the point of being inoculated and fermented at low temperatures of maximum 12 degrees Celsius. At the end of the whole process, about 33 hectoliters of “Chardonnay de Gheaţă” have been obtained.

• Contact person: Darie Cristian – sales/marketing
• Telephone: +40722260002
• E-mail: cristian.darie@cramadarie.ro
• Opening hours: N/A
• Name of the company: SC Vinum Capidava SRL – Crama Darie
• Established in: 2006
• Owner: Alexandru Darie
• Oenologist: Nicolae Laurenţiu Itu
• Annual production: 80.000 liters
• Annual production capacity: 70.000 bottles
• Surface: 30 hectares
• Direct sales: YES
• Winery address: str. Dunării nr. 507, satul Topalu, com. Topalu, jud. Constanţa, 907280
• Headquarters address: str. Dunării nr. 494B, satul Topalu, com. Topalu, jud. Constanţa, 907280
• Website: www.cramadarie.ro


Chardonnay dulce



Cuvée Cristian



Străbun Chardonnay
