
The story of Jidvei wines began in 1949 with the founding of IAS Jidvei, but the company’s recent history begins in 1999 with the privatisation of the former wine company.
Jidvei has the largest single-owner vineyard in Romania and Europe – 2,500 hectares. The four cellars, located in Jidvei, Tauni, Blaj and Balcaciu, have a storage capacity of over 35 million litres.
A pioneer in Romania in terms of innovation and implementation of new technologies, it owns one of the largest gravity wine cellars in Europe – Crama Tauni – and the first of its kind in the country, the first GPS planting machine in Europe, the first fully computerized winemaking system and the first private wine school in Romania. The Jidvei Group has made the largest investment in the Romanian wine sector, over 100 million euros.
It is the largest producer of Controlled Designation of Origin (D.O.C.) wines in Romania, with one of the most diversified product portfolios on the national wine market – still wines, sparkling wines, vinars and must. Jidvei wines have been awarded more than 840 medals at the most prestigious international and national competitions.

  • • Phone: 0745648586
  • • Email: office.jidvei@jidvei.ro
  • • Working hours: 9.00 – 17.00
  • • Company name: S.C. Jidvei S.R.L.
  • • Year founded: 1999
  • • Owner: Claudiu Necsulescu
  • • Oenologist: dr. Ioan Buia
  • • Annual production (in litres): 19 million litres
  • • Surface area (ha): 2,500 hectares
  • • Direct sale at the winery: No.
  • • We have a point of sale at Bethlen-Haller Castle
  • • Region: Tarnave vineyard – Transylvania
  • • Cellar address: str. Garii, nr. 45, Jidvei, jud. Alba, Romania
  • • Head office address: str. Garii, nr. 45, Jidvei, jud. Alba, Romania
  • • Website: www.jidvei.ro

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