Gramofon Wine

Gramofon Wine is one of those wineries that can always boast the status of a “fairytale place” without sounding like cheap marketing. Because it truly is a place that not only brings forth wines but also gives birth to stories, a place that inevitably draws you to the “storytelling nights”, where wine and life unfold in a different time, one specific to that place only.

As often happens in history, the existence of Gramofon Wine as it is today is due to a providential meeting. Marcel Pascu put at stake his entire wealth, accumulated in a lifetime as a musician, laying the foundations of the winery – 25 hectares of vineyards, buildings, some technology… Gabriel Lacureanu, one of the top oenologists of his generation, accidentally became a consultant of the winery (as an unpaid volunteer at first), after which he became part of the project and directly handled all the wines. Later, but at the most opportune moment possible, the “accountant” Marcel Vulpoi brought in the marketing know-how, the appetite for partying and the Dionysian atmosphere that has become an implicit definition of Gramofon Wine today.

Gramofon Winery is a place that presents itself to the world through its wines. But if you really want to know what Gramofon Wine is all about, the only way is to visit them. And stay for the stories.

• Contact person: Sabina Stroe-Bibescu
• Telephone: +40 763684199
• E-mail: 
• Opening hours: –
• Name of the company: SC Octima Vinis SRL
• Established in 2011
• Owners: Marcel Vulpoi & Marcel Pașcu
• Oenologist: Gabriel Lăcureanu
• Annual production: 120 000 L
• Annual production capacity: N/A
• Surface: 25 hectares
• Direct sales: YES
• Winery address: Sat Mocesti 215, Comuna Iordacheanu, Judet Prahova
• Headquarters address: 215 Mocesti village, Iordacheanu commune, Prahova
• Website:

• Wine tourism: Yes
• Parking
• Wine Shop
• Tasting at the winery
• Dining / catering available (for organised groups)
• Accommodation: 5 cottages (max. 10 persons), breakfast option



Opus Fabula Fetească Neagră



Virtuoz Chardonnay



Gramofon Chardonnay
