Aurelia Vișinescu – Domeniile Săhăteni

Emblematic wines

The cultivated varieties are both domestic and international. The oenologist aims to produce wines that reflect the typicality of each variety, touched by the strong influence of the terroir.
Monovarietals or coupages, Aurelia Vişinescu’s wines are divided into four lines: Nomad; Artisan – line dedicated to Romanian varieties, wines of the Dealu Mare region: Fetească Neagră, Fetească Albă, Tămâioasă Românească; Karakter – range of international varieties: Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon; Anima – a private collection, with limited series, produced only during very good years.
The wines signed by Aurelia Vişinescu obtained eight medals at the most prestigious international competitions, in 2012. The most valuable distinction, the Great Gold Medal, was awarded at the Brussels World Contest in 2002, to the 1999’s Pinot Noir. Also, it is worth mentioning the Gold Medal at the Brussels World Contest, for Red Artisan 2007 coupage.

• Contact person: Adina Vulcan
• Telephone: +40753093130
• E-mail:
• Opening hours: Monday-Friday 09.00–17.30
• Name of the company: Domeniile Săhăteni
• Established in: 2003
• Owners: Aurelia Vișinescu and Steve Cacenco
• Oenologist: Aurelia Vișinescu
• Annual production: 400.000 liters
• Annual production capacity: 500.000 bottles
• Surface: 82 hectares
• Direct sales: YES
• Winery address: com. Săhăteni, jud. Buzău, 127535
• Headquarters address: str. Miron Costin nr. 43, sect.1, București, 011097
• Website:


Anima 3 Fete Negre 006
2014, 2015, 2016



Anima Chardonnay



Karakter Sauvignon Blanc
