Dealul Dorului

A man named Doru on a hill with the same name

Two centuries ago, the German settlers arriving in the Buziaș region marked the hills with their vineyards’ straight lines. A tradition was born, and the hills of Silagiu came to make a name for themselves. Somehow, in the post-1990s, this tradition almost came to an end. And we would not have known today that wine was ever made in Silagiu, if it wasn’t for Doru Husarciuc, a local investor who loves wine and who transformed a wild slope of Dealului Dorului (Doru’s Hill) into an exemplary vineyard.
There are only about 20 hectares, but the size is just an additional guarantee of the fact that things are made by hand, that all grapes are harvested manually, and vinification, even if done in state-of-the-art equipment, involves only small batches, easier to control and manage.
Judging by the way the winery is built, two things can be said about Dealu Dorului. The first is that the business was built for natural, long-term growth –  the cellar dug in the hill, intended for the aging of over 100,000 bottles, is a proof. Second, it is not so much a business as it is a reminder that wine binds people, wine is shared, and talked around – as all those who visited the wine tasting room discovered. So, if you ever pass through the region, make a pit stop for a glass of Cabernet, Merlot, Burgundy, Italian Riesling, or Muscat Ottonel, depending on the weather and your appetite …

• Contact person: Laszlo Veiszenbacher
• Telephone: +40 740116880
• E-mail:
• Opening hours: Monday-Friday 08.00 – 17.00
• Name of the company: S.C. DEALUL DORULUI S.R.L.
• Established in: 2002
• Owner: Husarciuc Doru
• Oenologist: Laszlo Veiszenbacher
• Annual production: 100.000 bottles
• Annual production capacity: 100.000 bottles
• Surface: 41 hectares (15/bearing)
• Direct sales: NO
• Winery address: Loc. Buziaș, str. Semenicului, nr.101, jud. Timiș, România
• Headquarters address: Loc. Dumbrăvița, str. Castanilor, nr. 21, jud. Timiș, România
• Website:

• Last Update: February 2021


Zodiac Muscat Ottonel



Zodiac Cabernet Sauvignon



Acvila Merlot
