Prince Știrbey Winery

Principles passed on from
generation to generation

The Știrbey princely family’s wines have been created, for more than three centuries, respecting the principles passed on from generation to generation. Twenty years ago, Ileana Costinescu, the descendant of prince Barbu Știrbey, married baron Jakob Kripp, a native South Tyrolean, whose family has a history of over 600 years. Ştirbey family’s properties, confiscated by the communists, were recovered by Ileana and Jakob Kripp family. Two years later, the Prince Ştirbey winery brought in the German oenologist Oliver Bauer.
The vineyard consists only of traditional grape varieties evolved over the centuries and adapted to the pedoclimatic conditions. The varietals are separately vinified, only single-varietal wines being produced, in order to protect and reveal the individual character of each variety. The vineyard is comprised of several vines: Ştirbey (Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc); Bibescu (Cabernet Sauvignon, Novac, Negru de Drăgășani); Bengescu (Crâmpoşie
Selecționată); Moraru (Sauvignon Blanc); Tiberie (dry Tămâioasă Românească); Pencovici (Fetească Regală, sweet Tămâioasă Românească); Foişor (Negru de Drăgășani, Crâmpoșie Selecționată, Novac). Conceived by Prince Barbu Alexandru Ştirbey a century ago, Ştirbey winery was designed to process 70-80.000 litres of wine per year. For that matter, this is still the annual production of today’s refurbished winery. Prince Ştirbey wines are distributed in Austria, Great Britain, Canada, Poland, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Germany and France.

• Contact person: Raluca Bauer
• Telephone: N/A
• E-mail:
• Opening hours: Monday-Friday 09.00–18.00
• Name of the company: Agricola Știrbey SRL
• Established in 2002
• Owners: Ileana and Jakob Kripp
• Oenologist: Oliver Bauer
• Annual production: 75.000 litres
• Annual production capacity: 100.000 bottles
• Surface: 24 hectares
• Direct sales: YES
• Winery address: str. Dealul Olt, Drăgășani, jud. Vâlcea
• Headquarters address: str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 29, sector 1, București
• Website:


Crâmpoşie Selecţionată



Tămâioasă Românească



Sauvignon Blanc
