Gîrboiu Winery

Splendour in a glass of wine

Crama Gîrboiu, the proud successor of an interwar coat of arms, has stood out in recent years as a top brand, with an impressive portfolio of wines. In terms of quality, this producer from Vrancea is today at the same level of fame as Conu Alecu, the nobleman Zamfirescu who created here some of the country’s best wines during the 30s.
Located in Vrancea County, more precisely in Cotești vineyard, Crama Gîrboiu has 250 hectares of vineyards both in Coteşti and Dumbrăveni areas. The investment, carried out through a multi-million euros SAPARD program, created a fresh, European momentum for local viticulture. Boyar Zamfirescu’s former wine cellar, revitalized by the Gîrboiu family, meets all good wines’ world-class standards: stainless steel tanks, controlled temperature, and barrel maturation.
Along with Romanian varieties cultivated: Fetească Albă, Fetească Regală, Fetească Neagră, Șarbă, Plăvaie, one can find here many international varieties: Aligoté, Gewürztraminer, Muscat Ottonel, Italian Riesling, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Pinot Noir. A large range in price and wrapping can be found under these names: Crama Gîrboiu, Varancha, Livia, Epicentrum, Bacanta, and Tectonic.
The new wine producer from Vrancea produces an emblematic wine: Șarba. The name designates a realm from the Odobeşti vineyard and a variety bred in 1972, at the Research and Development Station of Viticulture and Wine-making Odobeşti, by crossing the Tămâioasa Românească with the Italian Riesling.

• Contact person: Tiberiu Copilu
• Telephone: +40237232079
• E-mail: office@cramagirboiu.ro
• Opening hours: 08.00–16.00
• Name of the company: SC Mera Com International SRL
• Established in 2005
• Owner: Constantin Gîrboiu
• Oenologist: Giovanni Menotti
• Annual production: 1.500.000 litres
• Annual production capacity: 2.000.000 litres
• Surface: 190 hectares
• Direct sales: YES
• Winery address: str. Dealul Cramelor nr. 43, Dumbrăveni, jud. Vrancea
• Headquarters address: str. Dealul Cramelor nr. 43, Dumbrăveni, jud. Vrancea
• Website: www.cramagirboiu.ro



Epicentrum Șarbă și Plăvaie



Tectonic rosé



Epicentrum Aligoté și Muscat Ottonel
