Corcova Roy & Dâmboviceanu Winery

Wines with “goût du terroir

Located in Mehedinți County, Crama Corcova Roy & Dâmboviceanu reprises a historical tradition of quality wine production in this area – the vineyard being attested from the sixteenth century, by virtue of two acts of assignment, signed by Mihai Viteazul.
Three centuries later, Bibescu’s family estate, Corcova, becomes an international benchmark in the late nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century. The French agronomist Aristoteles Sauget brought here by the Bibescu family, together with his sons, gives a new look to the cellar and invents the Corcovin and the Corcovel, blends based solely on Cabernet. It is to be noted that these two blends could not be manufactured in the communist period. Great writers – Marcel Proust, Anatole France and Mihail Sebastian – included Corcova in their creations.
Therefore, today Crama Corcova supports several art sectors.
Since 2005 until now 70 hectares have been planted with Romanian and international varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Muscat Ottonel, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier, Fetească Neagră.
Furthermore, the wine cellars, built by Prince Antoine Bibescu, were fully restored and supplied with advanced wine-making equipment during 2008 and 2009.
Corcova Roy & Dâmboviceanu wines are characterized by a clear-cut “goût du terroir” due to the temperate-continental climate with Mediterranean influences and to the specific soils of Getic Piemont.

• Contact person: Emil Mogoșanu
• Telephone: +40252383541
• E-mail:
• Opening hours: Monday–Friday 8–13, 14–17
• Name of the company: Viticola Corcova SRL
• Established in: 2005
• Owners: Michel Roy, Șerban Dâmboviceanu
• Oenologist: Liviu Grigorica
• Annual production: 500.000 bottles
• Annual production capacity: 600.000 bottles
• Surface: 70 hectares
• Direct sales: YES
• Winery address: str. Principală 293, Corcova, 227125, jud. Mehedinți
• Headquarters address: str. Principală 293, Corcova, 227125, jud. Mehedinți
• Website:


Corcova Chardonnay Reserve



Corcova Dealul Racoveanu Syrah Reserve



Corcova Dessert
