Marcea Winery

A high-rise vineyard

The new winery from Ştefăneşti, founded in 2010 by three locals, carries forward the tradition of centuries of the vineyard with the same name, at the same time saving from extinction a designation of origin. First mentioned in 1388, Casa de Vinuri Ştefăneşti was, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the second Wallachian winery, after Dealu Mare. Both rulers Matei Basarab and Constantin Brancoveanu owned vines in this area, and it was here where the Conacul Goleştilor (Goleşti family’s mansion) was built, in 1640 – this was the only secular medieval fortified building in the country.
The winery and vineyards are close to Piteşti and 90 km from Bucharest. Chardonnay, Fetească Albă, Fetească Regală, Riesling de Rin, Sauvignon Blanc, Tămâioasă Românească, Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Neagră and Merlot are all cultivated here. The wine brands are called L’attitude, Longitude, Marcea, Sumedru, Truda Fanny, and the latter evokes Liviu Rebreanu’s wife, called Fanny – the Romanian writer owned a house and a vineyard in the area, in the 30s.

• Contact person: Cosmin Smadu
• Telephone: +40722183323
• E-mail:
• Opening hours: Monday-Friday 09.00-17.00
• Name of the company: Casa de Vinuri Ștefănești
• Established in: 2010
• Owners: Cosmin Smadu, Eugen Procopiu
• Oenologist: George Cojocaru
• Annual production: 80.000 liters
• Annual production capacity: 150.000 liters
• Surface: 25 hectares
• Direct sales: YES
• Winery address: Șoseaua București-Pitești 30, Ștefănești, jud. Argeș,
• Headquarters address: Ștefănești, sat Valea Mare Podgoria, str. Taberei
• Website:

• Last Update: November 2020


Marcea Sauvignon Blanc



413 Marcea Reserve Tămâioasă Românească



413 Marcea Reserve Fetească Neagră
