A remarkable wine treasure
Founded in 2001, this family winery, located in the outskirts of Drăgăşani has an address as suggestive as it can be: Dealul Viilor (The Vines Hill). Legend has it that the name of the village is connected, in some way to the wine. It is said that in an ancient tavern on Dealul Viilor, there was a charismatic innkeeper, named Sani and the customers were calling her “Dragă Sani” (Dear Sani), hence the name of the city, Drăgăşani …
Moreover, the name Iordache has a long tradition throughout the Drăgăşani history. There are at least three Iordache, by name or surname, who often had or have a relation with the town, but not necessarily a family connection: Iordache Fărcăşeanul, steward residing in Zăvideni around 1725. Iordache N. Ionescu (1843-1901)
– owner of a famous tavern in Bucharest and of vines on the Olt hills, in Groşarea, producing wines awarded in Paris (1889) and Milan (1908) and Gheorghe Iordache, the late Mayor and owner of Casa de Vinuri Iordache.
The company owns 26 hectares of vines, cultivating wine varieties such as Crâmpoşie Selecţionată, Fetească Regală, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc, Tămâioasă Românească, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Negru de Drăgăşani.
Francis Ford Coppola is among the celebrities who have tasted this cellar’s wines. The winery’s oenologist, Valentin Däniken Iordache, found nearby a treasure consisting of 242 silver coins from the Roman era, used at the time, most likely, for the wine trade.
• Contact person: Valentin Däniken Iordache
• Telephone: +40722527756
• E-mail: cvi_dragasani@yahoo.com
• Opening hours: Monday–Saturday 09.00–18.00, Sunday 10.00-12.00
• Name of the company: SC Ax SRL
• Established in 2001
• Owner: Iordache Family
• Oenologist: Valentin Däniken Iordache
• Annual production: 100.000 litres
• Annual production capacity: 60.000 bottles
• Surface: 26 hectares
• Direct sales: YES
• Winery address: str. Dealul Viilor, nr. 9, Drăgășani, jud. Vâlcea, 245700
• Headquarters address: str. Belșugului nr. 111, Drăgășani, jud. Vâlcea, 245700
• Website: www.cvi-dragasani.ro
Last update: October 2020