1000 de Chipuri

Thousand visages of the wine

In 2007, the 1000 de Chipuri people started the preparations for planting the first grapevines on the famous wine-making Dealu Mare region. Today this surface spreads onto 63 ha, with harvested varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Fetească Neagră, Cabernet Franc, Chardonnay, Italian Riesling, Fetească Albă, Sauvignon Blanc and Tămâioasă Românească.
The first wines were produced in 2011 under the name of 1000 de Chipuri. Their story is one of a kind: every wine bears the name and the visage of the person who used to own the land. Cantea, Luscan or Iordache aren’t simply some family or wine names, but also the story of our parents and grandparents. It’s a token of respect, a moral recuperation of our tradition, of our sufferings and our love for the land.

• Contact person: Ana Maria Ionescu
• Telephone: +40723516428
• E-mail: 1000dechipuri@gmail.com
• Opening hours: Monday – Thursday 10:00-17:00; Friday – Sunday 10:00 – 22:00
• Other amenities:
Winebar: str. 11 iunie nr.17, sector 4 Bucureşti/+40314368809
Winebar: Barbu Văcărescu nr. 164A, sector 2, Bucureşti (inside Hotel Caro)/+40722620169
• Name of the company: SC DIVINE AREA SRL
• Established in 2007
• Owners: Ştefan Ionescu
• Oenologist: Tudor Hrubaru
• Annual production: 90.000 litres
• Annual production capacity: 100.000 bottles
• Surface: 64 hectares
• Direct sales: YES
• Winery address: str. Valea Bobului, nr. 20, loc. Urlaţi, jud. Prahova
• Headquarters address: str. Stejarului nr. 33, sector 3, Bucureşti
• Website: www.1000dechipuri.ro


Distinct Merlot



Pinot Noir



Cantea Cabernet Sauvignon
