Casa Ochean

A touch of Tănase Scatiu’s Feteasca

Casa Ochean represents the apex of a project called Art of Wine, initiated in 2009 by the oenologist Mariana Ochean and completed in 2015 with the investment of a million euros (550,000 euros coming from European funds) in Cârligele. The new Casa Ochean, of a winery-boutique style, built on the Tuscan model, is at the heart of the Coteşti vineyard, about eight kilometers from Focşani.
The wines are marketed in two ranges, Cârligele and Mara, and are derived from the varieties Fetească Albă, Fetească Regală, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Tămâioasă Românească, Traminer, Fetească Neagră and Cabernet Sauvignon. The grapes come from plantations owned or worked by Ochean winery under lease, at Coteşti vineyard – Blidar, Bonţeşti, Cârligele area, but also from Panciu and Odobeşti vineyards.
The young Ochean winery is built on a tradition of millennia. Archaeological excavations on the Bonţeşti site show that vines were cultivated here 6,500 years ago. The denomination Cârligele, inspired from the name of the village, from an area and also from a range of wine, has a direct connection with viniculture – in the past, the cuttings were called cârlige (hooks) in this region.
The plot of the novel “Tănase Scatiu” by Duiliu Zamfirescu is said to have taken place in these lands, the writer’s mansion being located in a nearby village called Faraoanele. In addition, Casa Ochean’s Fetească Neagră is produced from grapes of a vineyard belonging to the grand-nephew of the man who inspired the character of Tănase Scatiu.

• Contact person: Mariana Ochean
• Telephone: +40726384278
• E-mail:
• Opening hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 – 18:00
• Name of the company: SC Arta Vinului SRL
• Established in: 2001
• Owners: Mariana and Valentin Ochean
• Oenologist: Mariana Ochean
• Annual production: 100.000 liters
• Annual production capacity: 230.000 liters
• Surface: 45 hectares
• Direct sales: YES
• Winery address: com. Cârligele, str. Focșani nr. 129, jud. Vrancea
• Headquarters address: com. Cârligele, str. Focșani nr. 129, jud. Vrancea
• Website: –


Cârligele Muscat Ottonel



Cârligele Fetească Albă



Cârligele Cabernet Sauvignon
