Pietroasa Veche

Pietroasa Veche is the trade name of the Pietroasa-Istriţa Viticulture and Pomiculture Academic Research – Development Station, an institution that operates under the umbrella of the Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine University in Bucharest. Two long names, in line with the history of this place, which had an overwhelming importance in the relaunch of Romanian viticulture at the beginning of the twentieth century, after the phylloxera pandemic.

Established in 1893, the station is located in the heart of the Dealu Mare region, in an area that benefits from the best conditions for the production of wine grapes – sun, temperature, exposure, rain, etc. Due universities being allowed to self-finance, these grapes are transformed into commercial wines, the most successful varieties being those that have written the history of the place: Tămâioasă Românească, Grasă de Cotnari and Busuioacă de Bohotin.

• Winery name: Pietroasa Veche
• Region: Muntenia
• Contact person: Baniță Cornel Daniel
• Telephone: 0721460313
• E-mail: banitacornel@gmail.com
• Opening hours: L-V 7:30-15:30
• Name of the company: USAMVB SDCDVP Pietroasa Istrița
• Establishted in: 1893
• Owner: USAMV București
• Oenologists: Baniță Cornel Daniel, Valentin Tuchilă
• Annual production: 500,000 liters
• Annual production capacity (liters / year): more than 1.000.000
• Surface: 98-100 ha
• Direct sales: YES
• Winery address: Pietroasele communy, 127470, Buzău County, Stațiunii street
• Headquarters address: Pietroasele communy, 127470, Buzău County, Stațiunii street
• Website: www.pietroasaveche.ro

• Last update: April 2021


Research & Innovation Busuioacă de Bohotin Dry



Research & Innovation Busuioacă de Bohotin Sweet



Research & Innovation Riesling Italian
